October 4, 2013

Knowing Their Primary Audience

By Brittney DeRuiter

While recently visiting Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to head downtown or rather to “old town” as many locals called this area away from the loud and glitzy Las Vegas Strip. While spending time in old town, I grew impressed by the way one of the casinos truly understood their primary audience. This casino must have done its demographic homework and knew that its audience was of an older age with specific characteristics.

For example, the casino’s buffet included a credit card machine with extra large, brightly colored buttons. This not only demonstrated that they understood their audience’s learning curve of technology, but also vision impairments that occur at a certain age.  The enlarged credit card machine was easy to use and perhaps held possibilities of attracting more credit card purchases due to its convenience. The machine not only allowed for a quick turnover rate, but also allowed the consumer to keep their cash money for gaming tables and slot machines.

The casino clearly understood the importance of providing convenience and accessibility to key services for its target clientele.

It is well known that casinos make the majority of their income from gaming tables and slot machines. To be successful, a casino must bring in as many players as possible and encourage a high volume of betting. These two factors are easier to influence with the appropriate atmosphere. During my visit, I noticed that this particular casino’s atmosphere catered to their primary target audience.

The casino offered lower to the ground gaming tables and slot chairs. This little detail made it convenient for individuals in wheelchairs and walkers to sit and play with ease. In addition, the décor and music choices were geared more to an older audience than say one of the glamorous casino towers on the Strip.

From the credit card machine and height of playing tables to the music choices and decor, the casino I stayed at in old town Las Vegas impressed me with their attention to detail. Catering to their audience’s needs and wants, made it easy for the target clientele to access their products, resulting in a successful income for the casino.