June 24, 2014

Poofreading – We mean Proofreading 

Oh, the importance of proofreading. How many times have you been in a hurry to get that brochure off to the printer or that ad sent to a publication, and you JUST SEND IT! Oh no!

We have all made those mistakes which take the form of a transposed letter or another simple sentence misstep or grammatical error. Most of the time it happens because we’re all in a hurry.

So allow Morse + Harris to say what you’ve told yourself dozens of times. Stop! Resist that urge to send that item off, and get it off your plate in a hurry. Have someone else read the content. We always say at Morse + Harris Marketing that “a new set of eyes will see the errors.”

Some of the typos we make are just funny AND some will cost you money. If you don’t proofread, you just might end up paying for a client to receive 2,000 new Annual Reports – and no one wants that.

Case in point, we received this in an email and had to share. Apparently in Lake Zurich, they need to specify that you can't actually donate your kids and pets to rummage sales. Did anyone even read this ad before they printed it? There's another typo in the ad too, can you find it?