June 8, 2012

Just Google It!

By Sharee Morse

It’s amazing that we were able to survive before Google. I remember when my parents bought our family a set of encyclopedias for the most current information…or wait…that dates me. Anyway, accessing information now is a piece of cake. Everyone from my 88 year old father to my 10 year old granddaughter Google. We needed a fun attraction for a 10 year old while on a recent family trip to London. While days were filled with cathedrals and art, our 10 year old granddaughter found a super exciting TUBE stop side-trip for Kings Cross station…on Google of course.

Remember, from the books and movie, when Harry Potter must board the train to Hogwarts for the first time? He is told to report to platform nine and three quarters at Kings Cross station. Yes. You got it right. Our persistent Olivia found, on Google, that we could actually go to that platform. Again Google saved the day!